
Management of Recruitment Files for Temporary Agents - JRC


Management of Recruitment Files for Temporary Agents - JRC

Opinion of 9 March 2011 on a notification for Prior Checking regarding the Management of Recruitment Files for Temporary Agents at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) (Case 2008-0143)

The notification concerns the selection and recruitment of JRC's temporary agent staff referred to in Title II of the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the European Communities. The main purpose of the processing is the constitution and management of Temporary Agent recruitment files by Management Support Units of each of the Institutes/Directorates of the JRC. They collect and further process information about potential candidates to temporary positions for the purposes of selecting the most suitable candidates. The EDPS concludes that on a general basis the procedure complies with the principles established in the data protection regulation. However the EDPS did make a number of recommendations mainly as concerns data quality, data retention period transfer of data, rights of access and rectification, information of the data subject.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch