

roundtable of DPOs

DPOs - EDPS 49th meeting: a menu of workshops and exchanges on current data protection issues

Read Blogpost

Image of the coverpage of the factsheet on audits

What to expect when we inspect - Data protection audits explained

EDPS factsheets on data protection audits

eppo logo

EDPS statement on EPPO becoming operational

transfers of data

The EDPS opens two investigations following the “Schrems II” Judgement

robot and techdispatch name on a blue background as this is the techdispatch publication's logo

TechDispatch on Facial Emotion Recognition

Facial Emotion Recognition is the technology that analyses facial expressions from both static images and videos in order to reveal information on one’s emotional state.

birthday cake to symbolise the GDPR's third birthday

GDPR: a three-year-old who must still learn to walk before it runs

Read Blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski

Personal Data Breaches in a Nutshell

Verletzung des Schutzes Personenbezogener Daten kurz erklärt

Sehen Sie sich unser Video an und lesen Sie das Factsheet.

Europe Day 2021

Europatag 2021

Am 9. Mai feiern wir Europatag und damit auch die europäische Solidarität und Einheit. Zu diesem besonderen Anlass haben wir eine Scrollytelling-Page erstellt. 


Newsletter #86

The latest EDPS newsletter is out now!

Read Newsletter #86