

Photo of Giovanni Buttarelli and Wojciech Wiewiórowski

Blogpost: I have lost an older brother

Latest blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski.

Wojciech Wiewiórowski replacing EDPS


Mit größtem Bedauern geben wir den Verlust von Giovanni Buttarelli, dem Europäischen Datenschutzbeauftragten, bekannt. Giovanni ist in der Nacht vom 20. August 2019 im Kreis seiner Familie in Italien verstorben.


EDPS Podcast - New episode!

Are digital technologies as virtual as we think? Listen to our latest #DebatingEthics Conversation with Andrew Brennan, Ruben Dekker and Heather Iqbal to learn more about the very material impact of data-intensive technologies on the environment.

Joint statement on global privacy expectations of the Libra network

Read the full text here.

Blogpost: Inviting new perspectives in data protection

Latest blogpost by Giovanni Buttarelli.

Stay cool this summer - 11 tips to be secure online on holiday

Summer holidays are a chance to relax, but they can be a source of high stress themselves if you are not safe online. To help with this, the European Data Protection Supervisor has created a simple guide of 11 tips to help you stay secure while using your computer, smartphone and tablet – and in a sunny mood!

Data Protection Impact Assessment List

The EDPS has adopted and published its lists of the kinds of processing operations that require a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) under Article 39 of the data protection regulation for the EU institutions, as well as those that at first sight do not require a DPIA.

The EDPS adopted these lists after consulting the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) on the draft lists. These lists provide additional guidance to controllers in the EU institutions and complement the accountability on the ground toolkit. In line with the Article 29 Working Party Guidelines on DPIAs, endorsed by the EDPB, these lists provide criteria for controllers to assess whether they need to do a DPIA; the lists are not exhaustive.

DPIAs are a new concept in the data protection regulation for the EU institutions, mirroring equivalent provisions in the GDPR. The DPIA process aims to provide assurance that controllers adequately address privacy and data protection risks of ‘risky’ processing operations. By providing a structured way of thinking about the risks to data subjects and how to mitigate them, DPIAs help organisations to comply with the requirement of data protection by design where it is needed the most, i.e. for ‘risky’ processing operations.

Blogpost: Can We Trust Our Artificial Eyes?

Latest blogpost by Wojciech Wiewiórowski.

EDPS Podcast - New episode!

Risk-based approach under the data protection reform. Listen to the Podcast!