

EDPS #DebatingEthics: onto the next round

We closed the public session of the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in October 2018 with a promise to continue the discussion on digital ethics. With the launch of our new #DebatingEthics Conversations, a series of six interactive webinars that will then also be released as podcasts, we aim to provide an open platform for this urgent debate.

Each webinar will revolve around a specific theme and bring together different perspectives. Our provisional programme is as follows:

28 February 2019: #DebatingEthics 1 - Digital ethics and the law
30 April 2019: #DebatingEthics 2 - Digitalisation and the future of work
19 June 2019: #DebatingEthics 3 - The environmental impact of new technologies
4 September 2019: #DebatingEthics 4 - Growing up in the digital age
20 November 2019: #DebatingEthics 5 - Digital platforms and their impact on relationships
5 December 2019: #DebatingEthics 6 - Why #DebatingEthics? Revisited

Each webinar will be open for anyone to listen in and comment or ask questions at the end of the discussion. How can moral reasoning help us shape responsible technological development? Follow our updates here and on Twitter and join us in #DebatingEthics.

EPIC 2019 International Privacy Champion Award

EPIC presented the 2019 International Privacy Champion Award to Giovanni Buttarelli, European Data Protection Supervisor. This prestigious prize is awarded every year to distinguished representatives in the field of the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection. The EPIC award was presented at CPDP conference in Brussels, Belgium on January 30, 2019.

EDPS Newsletter 66

The latest edition of the EDPS Newsletter is online now!

Data Protection Day

On 28 January each year, member states of the Council of Europe and EU institutions celebrate Data Protection Day. It marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe’s data protection convention, known as “Convention 108”. It was the first binding international law concerning individuals’ rights to the protection of their personal data.

Conference Report - 40th ICDPPC

The official report of the 40th edition of the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners.

Smart glasses and data protection

First Technology Monitoring report of the EDPS on smart glasses.

How to unmask and fight online manipulation

Registrations to the event on elections and online manipulation are now closed.

See the programme.