

Der EDSB veröffentlicht jedes Jahr ungefähr zehn Newsletter.  Der Newsletter führt die wichtigsten Entwicklungen bei den Aktivitäten des EDSB auf und gibt einen Überblick über vor kurzem angenommene Stellungnahmen und andere Dokumente (Stellungnahmen zu Vorschlägen für Rechtsvorschriften, Kommentare, Stellungnahmen zu Vorabkontrollen usw.). Außerdem enthält er Listen von neu ernannten behördlichen Datenschutzbeauftragten, von kürzlich gehaltenen Reden des Europäischen Datenschutzbeauftragten und des Stellvertretenden Datenschutzbeauftragten und von Veranstaltungen im Bereich des Datenschutzes.

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In this edition of the EDPS Newsletter we cover the EDPS consultation on transfers of personal data, the virtual visit at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the new TechDispatch on contact tracing and mobile apps, the 47th DPO virtual meeting among other topics.


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In this month’s newsletter, the EDPS calls for Digital Solidarity in times of COVID-19, to work closely with EU Data Protection Supervisory authorities, in particular, with regard to contact tracing apps. EDPS, also, continued its investigative work into EU institution’s activities, issuing further recommendations. The IPEN 2020 Online Workshop will take place on 3 June, covering the topics of encryption, cryptography and algorithms.   


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In the February 2020 edition of the EDPS newlsetter we cover the EDPS Proportionality Guidelines, the EDPS preliminary Opinion on scientific research and our recent contributions to the debate on Artificial Intelligence, among other topics.


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2019 was a year of great change at the EDPS. It marked the last year of an incredibly successful and productive mandate, which saw public awareness of the issues surrounding data protection and privacy increase tenfold.  

At the beginning of what is not only a new year, but a new mandate for the EDPS, January 2020’s Newsletter provides you with a retrospective look over the past twelve months, as well as an overview of some important EDPS events taking place this month. Read on for ten things you might have missed from 2019:


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In the last edition of the EDPS Newsletter for 2019, we report on the appointment of Wojciech Wiewiórowski as the new European Data Protection Supervisor, take a moment to reflect on the previous five-year EDPS mandate and cover the EDPS investigation into the European Paliament's election activities, among many other activities.


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In this edition of the EDPS Newsletter we cover the side event organised by the EDPS at the 2019 ICDPPC,  the latest on the EU-Japan PNR agreement and facial recognition technology, among many other topics.


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In the June 2019 edition of the EDPS Newsletter we review the results of the EDPS inspection of EU institution websites, look at the successful events held with International Organisations and IPEN and take a closer look at risk in personal data processing.