
International Conferences

The annual International Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners' conference gathers not only public officials from (inter)national and sub-national authorities, but also other experts in the field. It is a wider meeting than the European conference not only in the geographical sense, but also in that it brings together industry representatives and academics.

The international conference is an opportunity for data protection stakeholders in Europe to meet colleagues from Canada, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan and other jurisdictions in the Asia-Pacific region. Matters of common interest and concern, challenges for the future, and how to work together and find a way forward are discussed.



Global Privacy Assembly 2024 - Jersey

The 46th edition of the Global Privacy Assembly Annual Meeting took place this year in Jersey from October 28th through 1 st November.

All reports and resolutions can be found here.

Following you can find the adopted resolutions during this year's GPA:

Resolution Endorsing and Encouraging the Use of Data Protection Certification Mechanisms
Langues disponibles: anglais
Resolution on principles regarding the processing of personal information in neuroscience and neurotechnology
Langues disponibles: anglais
Resolution on Data Free Flow with Trust and an effective regulation of global data flows
Langues disponibles: anglais
Resolution on the GPA Rules & Procedures
Langues disponibles: anglais

G7 DPA Roundtable

The 4th G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Roundtable took place on 9th to 11th October 2024 in Rome, Italy.

Following you can find the documents adopted during this event:

Langues disponibles: anglais
Statement on AI and Children
Langues disponibles: anglais
Statement on the Role of Data Protection Authorities in Fostering Trustworthy AI
Langues disponibles: anglais
Comparative analysis of core elements of the EU GDPR certification as a tool for transfers and of the Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) System in a controller-to-controller scenario
Langues disponibles: anglais
Terminology paper related to the notions of anonymisation, pseudonymisation and de-identification
Langues disponibles: anglais
Promoting Enforcement Cooperation
Langues disponibles: anglais
Action Plan 2024/2025
Langues disponibles: anglais

Global Privacy Assembly 2023 - Bermuda

The 45th edition of the Global Privacy Assembly Annual Meeting took place this year in Bermuda from October 15th through 20th.

All reports and resolutions can be found here.

Following you can find the adopted resolutions during this year's GPA:

Resolution on Generative Artificial Intelligence Systems
Langues disponibles: anglais
Resolution on Artificial Intelligence and Employment
Resolution on Health Data and Scientific Research
Langues disponibles: anglais
Resolution on Achieving global data protection standards
Langues disponibles: anglais
Resolution on GPA Library
Langues disponibles: anglais
Resolution on Establishing a Working Group on Intersectional Gender Perspective in Data Protection
Langues disponibles: anglais
Resolution on Privacy and Human Rights Award
Langues disponibles: anglais
GPA Strategic Plan 2023-2025
Langues disponibles: anglais

G7 DPA Roundtable

The 3rd G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Roundtable took place on 20th and 21st June 2023 in Tokyo, Japan.

Following you can find the documents adopted during this event:

Langues disponibles: anglais
Action Plan
Langues disponibles: anglais
Langues disponibles: anglais

Global Privacy Assembly 2022- İstanbul

The 44th Global Privacy Assembly took place from 25 to 28 October 2022 in İstanbul, Türkiye,

All reports and resolutions can be found here.

Following you can find the adopted resolutions during this year's GPA:

Resolution to Amend the Road Map and the Timeline
Langues disponibles: anglais
Resolution on International Cooperation Capacity Building for Improving Cybersecurity Regulation and Understanding Cyber Incident Harms
Langues disponibles: anglais
Resolution on Principles and Expectations for the Appropriate Use of Personal Information in Facial Recognition Technology
Langues disponibles: anglais