
2012 Rapport Annuel - Un cadre de protection des données plus fort et plus efficace pour une Europe 'intelligente, durable et inclusive'


2012 Rapport Annuel - Un cadre de protection des données plus fort et plus efficace pour une Europe 'intelligente, durable et inclusive'

In the course of 2012, we once again set new benchmarks in different areas of activity. In the supervision of EU institutions and bodies, when processing personal data, we interacted with more data protection officers in more institutions and bodies than ever before. In addition, we saw the effects of our new enforcement policy: most EU institutions and bodies, including many agencies, are making good progress in complying with the Data Protection Regulation, although there are still some which should increase their efforts.

In the consultation of new legislative measures, we issued a record number of opinions on a wide range of subjects. The Review of the EU legal framework for data protection was at the top of our agenda. However, the implementation of the Stockholm programme in the area of freedom, security and justice and the Digital Agenda, as well as issues in the internal market, such as financial sector reform and in public health and consumer affairs, also had an impact on data protection. We also increased our cooperation with other supervisory authorities.


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