
Capacity to work in a third language - Parliament


Capacity to work in a third language - Parliament

Opinion of 21 January 2009 on a notification for prior checking on the assessment of staff's capacity to work in a third language before first promotion (Case 2008-690)

The European Parliament has implemented a data processing to evaluate the capacity of officials and contractual agents in function group IV to work in a third language. Officials must demonstrate the capacity to work in a third language to be eligible for a first promotion, and contractual agents must prove their ability to work in a third language before the renewal of their contract for an indefinite period.

The EDPS recommends that appropriate data retention periods are defined for the conservation of these assessments, that a procedure is implemented ensuring the exercise by individuals of their right to access and rectify their assessment (in particular access and rectification to the tests organized by EPSO), that specific information concerning the processing of individuals' data for the purpose of the assessment of the capacity to work in a third language is provided to the persons concerned. The EDPS also outlines that the staff processing personal data should be reminded of their duty of confidentiality towards such data.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch