
Quality checks - OHIM


Quality checks - OHIM

Opinion of 22 October 2008 on the notification for prior checking regarding quality checks (Case 2008-437)

This prior checking notification followed upon staff complaints and was only submitted to the EPPS upon his specific request. It concerns a system of internal quality checks during which (i) the work products of OHIM's trademark examiners are reviewed and (ii) the results are reported in a database created for this purpose. The primary purpose of these systematic checks is to improve the overall quality of OHIM's work products. However, the results of the quality checks (i) are also used to evaluate the quality of work of each examiner and (ii) inform management decisions regarding measures that may individually affect the examiners, such as performance appraisals, promotion, contract renewals, disciplinary measures, or training.

The EDPS recommended the adoption of a clear and formal internal decision to strengthen the legal basis of the operation and provide much needed clarity and certainty to staff members. This decision should clearly describe the system of the ex-ante quality checks, including their intended purpose, and provide for appropriate data protection safeguards, as recommended in the Opinion. Instead of fragmental email-communications, the EDPS also urged OHIM to adopt a formal data protection notice and make it available permanently on OHIM's intranet site. In addition, the EDPS emphasised that all possible efforts should be made to improve the level of accuracy, reliability, and consistency of the data. In any event, data included in the database should only be used as one of several factors to be considered in the decision-making process. Whenever data stored in the database are used for purposes which may individually affect staff members, they must also be heard and be given the opportunity to put forward their positions.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch