



Welfare assistance - Parliament

Opinion of 30 April 2007 on a notification for prior checking regarding "Welfare assistance and guidance in the event of dependance" (Case 2006-269)

The European Parliament assists its staff and their families with personal and family problems, problems of dependence, and difficulties of any other type. Assistance takes the form of economic aid (aid for disabled persons, home help, loans and gifts). The institution's social services also provide individuals and families with information, advice and guidance to help them adjust better and to respond to their economic, social and cultural needs.

In order to comply with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001, the Parliament must implement the recommendations of the EDPS regarding the information to be given to data subjects, data storage, the rights of access and rectification accorded to data subjects, data quality (data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive), and the transfer of data between the institution's social services and external agencies.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Attestation procedure - Parliament

Opinion of 26 April 2007 on a notification for prior checking on the attestation procedure (Case 2007-110)

The EDPS prior checked the attestation procedure of the European Parliament. Officials in service before 1 May 2004 in categories C and D are in a career stream allowing promotion only up to grade AST 7 and 5, respectively. Once they are 'attested', they can be promoted without any restriction up to grade AST 11. The attestation procedure involves analysis of formal criteria (e.g. seniority) but also evaluation of the officials' conduct and their professional experience, along with personal aspects of the official. The procedure has to be prior checked by the EDPS on this ground.

In his prior checking opinion the EDPS found that the procedure as implemented by the European Parliament is in general in compliance with the provision of the Regulation EC No 45/2001. The EDPS nevertheless made some recommendations, especially on the retention period of data and on the right of access to documents processed in the framework of the attestation procedure.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Early retirement - Commission

Opinion of 20 March 2007 on a notification for prior checking on the "annual exercise for early retirement without reduction of pension rights" dossier (Case 2006-577)

Le traitement intitulé "Exercice annuel de retraite anticipée sans réduction des droits à pension" est effectué par la DG Personnel et Administration de la Commission et concerne la mise en œuvre des exercices annuels de retraite anticipée sans réduction des droits à pension. Les personnes concernées sont les fonctionnaires et les agents temporaires de tous les services de la Commission.
Le traitement en l'espèce fait l'objet d'un contrôle préalable, car les données sont traitées dans le but d'évaluer certains aspects de la situation professionnelle du candidat (aspects organisationnels, services rendus à l'institution, possibilité pour formation) ainsi que de sa situation personnelle (profil et capacités individuelles du candidat).

Dans le cadre de ses recommandations, le CEPD a notamment souligné que la Commission reconsidère que seulement la liste finale, relevant les personnes qui vont finalement bénéficier de la retraite anticipée, soit publiée au sein des Informations administratives de l'institution et que les candidats soient informés des données qui vont être publiées. Quant à la conservation des données, le CEPD a recommandé que la Commission informe le CEPD si une pérennisation des rapports d'évaluation a éventuellement lieu tous les 5 ans et, dans un cas contraire, reconsidère la période de conservation et en informe le CEPD.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch