



Temporary agents - Community Plant Variety Office

Opinion of 20 February 2009 on a notification for prior checking regarding the engagement and use of temporary agents (Case 2008-315)

The CPVO engages long term and short-term temporary agents (TAs) for certain tasks. Personal data of applicants are used and processed during the recruitment procedure of temporary agents in order to evaluate and select the candidates for vacant TA posts. According to the internal Decision on TAs, the selection procedure for recruiting TAs for vacant posts in the CPVO can be carried out in two ways: firstly, upon request of the CPVO, the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) organises a selection procedure following the same standards as for competitions for officials, and secondly the CPVO itself can also organise the selection procedure. In the second case, the CPVO requests the candidates to submit the application form and various supporting documents and sets up a Selection Committee to assess the competences and knowledge of the candidates.

As a result of scrutinising the selection process from a data protection perspective, the EDPS made a number of recommendations, among those on the handling of personal information collected in the application process, on the data retention period, revision of the text and display of privacy statement.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Trainee recruitment - CEDEFOP

Opinion of 5 December 2008 on a notification for prior checking on trainee recruitment (Case 2008-196)
The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) put in place a processing operation to recruit trainees. The purpose of the processing operation is to recruit trainees and give them a general idea of the objectives and problems associated with the development of initial and continuing professional training within the framework of European Institutions. The EDPS made several recommandations. The Cedefop should establish a shorter conservation period for the unsuccessful applicants establish a conservation period for the copy of the traineeship certificate. The right of access and rectification to the assessment report or other administrative documents should also be ensured to the trainees and the new rules on trainees recruitment that will be adopted soon by the Cedefop should be in compliance with the Regulation 45/2001 and in particular with the recommendations made the EDPS in his Opinion.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Selection of managers - OHIM

Avis du 12 novembre 2008 sur la notification de conctrôle préalable concernant le recrutement de directeurs (Dossier 2008-435)
OHIM organises and manages the selection process of managers in order to select the best suited candidates for a particular position (internal and candidates). The data processing operations towards the selection of candidates are carried out by the Selection Committee, by its Secretariat and by the Internal Mobility and Recruitment of Managers Section of the Human Resources Department. The Prior Check Opinion gives recommendations to ensure full compliance with Regulation 45/2001, in particular, among others, it suggests that OHIIM (I) sets up a procedure for providing access rights; (II) Updates the processor contract to reflect the application of national law to the security measures that must be implemented by processors; (III) Amends the privacy policy and uploads it in a visible place on web site.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch