
Privatsphäre in den EU-Organen

Die Verordnung (EU) 2018/1725 legt die Datenschutzverpflichtungen für die Organe, Einrichtungen und Agenturen der EU fest, wenn sie personenbezogene Daten verarbeiten und neue Strategien entwickeln. Darüber hinaus führt die Verordnung die Pflichten des EDSB auf. Diese umfassen seine Aufgaben als unabhängige Kontrollbehörde für die Organe und Einrichtungen der EU, wenn diese personenbezogene Daten verarbeiten, die Beratung zu politischen Maßnahmen und Rechtsvorschriften, die sich auf den Schutz der Privatsphäre auswirken, und die Zusammenarbeit mit vergleichbaren Behörden zur Gewährleistung eines kohärenten Datenschutzes.

Hier finden sich die EDSB-Dokumente über Privatsphäre und Datenschutz in Bezug auf die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch die Einrichtungen und Organe der EU, z. B. bei Mitarbeiterbewertung, Akkreditierung externer Besucher oder Zugangskontrolle.



Recording the line reserved for calls to the dispatch centre for technical services - Commission

Opinion of 19 November 2008 on the notification for prior checking from the Data Protection Officer of the European Commission in relation to the dossier on recording the line reserved for calls to the dispatch centre for technical services in European Commission buildings in Brussels (Case 2008-491)

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Invalidity procedure - EESC

Opinion of 19 November 2008 on the notification for prior checking on the invalidity procedure (Case 2008-555)

Article 59(4) of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities provides that "The Appointing Authority may refer to the Invalidity Committee the case of any official whose sick leave totals more than 12 months in any period of three years". Based on that Article, the European Economic and Social Committee has established a procedure to obtain a decision from the Invalidity Committee as to whether the official concerned should be granted invalidity or should resume professional activities. In fact the procedure concerns not only officials but also temporary and contract staff.

The proposed processing would not appear to involve any infringement of the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 provided that the EESC gives appropriate guarantees regarding long term data storage, informs recipients that they may not use the data for other purposes, revises the information provided and the arrangements for providing it, and finally clarifies the rights of access granted to data subjects.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Individual medical files - Commission

Opinion of 18 November 2008 on the notification for prior checking regarding the "management of individual medical files - Brussels, Luxembourg" case (Case 2004-225)

The opinion of the EDPS concerns the management of medical files by the European Commission. The medical service manages numerous medical files arising from a variety of medical activities to monitor the health of staff and fulfil its obligations to staff under the Staff Regulations.

After thorough analysis in the light of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001, the EDPS has concluded that the processing proposed does not involve any breach of the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 provided, in particular, that the Commission:

  • Adopts the pre-employment medical examination form as  adopted by the Interinstitutional Medical Board;
  • States on the annual medical check up form that there is no obligation to take the HIV test;
  • Reviews the annual medical check-up form that records the results of the physical examination and the list of tests required in the light of the principles of adequacy and proportionality;
  • Adopts as a point of good practice the principle that the results of medical examinations carried out by a doctor chosen by the data subject will be passed on to the Commission medical service only with the freely given and informed consent of the employee;
  • Sets a limited period for storing data on persons who are not recruited;
  • Introduces a data access procedure for persons not recruited or others (temporary staff, private employees and scholarship holders working at the Commission in Luxembourg and in the JRCs) in respect of whom medical information has been recorded and who are also entitled to access under Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001.
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Selection of managers - OHIM

Avis du 12 novembre 2008 sur la notification de conctrôle préalable concernant le recrutement de directeurs (Dossier 2008-435)
OHIM organises and manages the selection process of managers in order to select the best suited candidates for a particular position (internal and candidates). The data processing operations towards the selection of candidates are carried out by the Selection Committee, by its Secretariat and by the Internal Mobility and Recruitment of Managers Section of the Human Resources Department. The Prior Check Opinion gives recommendations to ensure full compliance with Regulation 45/2001, in particular, among others, it suggests that OHIIM (I) sets up a procedure for providing access rights; (II) Updates the processor contract to reflect the application of national law to the security measures that must be implemented by processors; (III) Amends the privacy policy and uploads it in a visible place on web site.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch