
Privatsphäre in den EU-Organen

Die Verordnung (EU) 2018/1725 legt die Datenschutzverpflichtungen für die Organe, Einrichtungen und Agenturen der EU fest, wenn sie personenbezogene Daten verarbeiten und neue Strategien entwickeln. Darüber hinaus führt die Verordnung die Pflichten des EDSB auf. Diese umfassen seine Aufgaben als unabhängige Kontrollbehörde für die Organe und Einrichtungen der EU, wenn diese personenbezogene Daten verarbeiten, die Beratung zu politischen Maßnahmen und Rechtsvorschriften, die sich auf den Schutz der Privatsphäre auswirken, und die Zusammenarbeit mit vergleichbaren Behörden zur Gewährleistung eines kohärenten Datenschutzes.

Hier finden sich die EDSB-Dokumente über Privatsphäre und Datenschutz in Bezug auf die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch die Einrichtungen und Organe der EU, z. B. bei Mitarbeiterbewertung, Akkreditierung externer Besucher oder Zugangskontrolle.



Competence inventory - European Training Foundation

Opinion of 13 June 2007 on a notification for prior checking regarding ETF's competence inventory (Case 2006-437)

This opinion is on the "competence inventory" exercise of the European Training Foundation (ETF) was issued. This complex exercise serves to create a very detailed database listing all relevant competences of each employee. It involves self-assessment, peer-review and moderation by a panel to ensure consistency throughout the ETF. The primary purpose is to obtain aggregate data for strategic management purposes such as to identify competence gaps and adjust recruitment and training polices accordingly.

The EDPS concluded that there are doubts on the proportionality of the establishment of the database and the data quality. For these reasons, the EDPS recommended that ETF reconsiders the necessity of carrying out the competence inventory exercise and look for less intrusive alternatives.

In any event, the EDPS insisted that the database should not result in a parallel performance evaluation system and ETF's management must clearly and explicitly recognise the limitations of the reliability of the data to inform decisions that individually affect data subjects, for example, assessment of applications for internal mobility. Therefore, the data should never be used for pre-selection or exclusion, but only as one of several sources to inform decision-making. Similarly, the competence inventory should not be used for performance appraisal, promotion or assessing contract renewal. Moreover, use of the database should not lead to dismissal, exclusion when tasks are allocated or team leaders and managers are selected, or to similar prejudices to staff members.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Financial irregularities panel - Parliament

Opinion of 12 June 2007 on a notification for prior checking concerning the "Financial Irregularities Panel" (Case 2007-139)
By Bureau Decision of 10 March 2004 the European Parliament set up a specialised financial irregularities panel. The role of the panel, which functions independently, is to issue to the Appointing Authority - or, where appropriate, to the authority empowered to conclude contracts of employment - opinions evaluating, in cases which have been referred to the panel, whether financial irregularities have occurred, how serious they are and what their consequences might be.
The main recommendations issued by the EDPS in his opinion on the financial irregularities panel relate to the quality of the data collected, their storage, the relations between the panel and OLAF, and information supplied to data subjects.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Free phone service - OLAF

Opinion of 6 June 2007 on a notification for prior checking on a free phone service (Case 2007-74)

OLAF has put this tool at the public's disposal, enabling individuals to provide information that may be useful in the fight against fraud, corruption and other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the Community. Anyone, EU staff as well as citizens, can use the Free Phone Service to report such types of unlawful behaviour.
After listening to the voice messages and deleting those that are deemed fully improper and pointless, OLAF investigators summarise the remaining messages in a "free phone screening form". This form indicates whether or not the messages are relevant to OLAF's work or to that of other authorities, such as member states or European Commission services. Based on this assessment, OLAF will deem them irrelevant, investigate them further and potentially open an investigation, or send them to other authorities if the case is relevant for them.
The OLAF Free Phone Service is subject to prior checking as it deals with data which may relate to suspected offences, criminal convictions or security measures. In his opinion, the EDPS concluded that OLAF has substantially followed all the principles of the Regulation. Nevertheless some recommendations were made, including:
  • ensuring the deletion of voice messages with information deemed irrelevant. This should not be recorded in writing or, if so, should be deleted immediately after confirmation of their irrelevance.
  • ensuring the right to information to those who have been named by callers who use the Free Phone Service, subject to the application of the exceptions provided for in the Regulation.
  • setting up a voice recording so that, upon calling the Free Phone Service, a short version of the privacy statement is provided or, alternatively, publishing it on OLAF's website.
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Certification procedure - Parliament

Opinion of 6 June 2007 on the notification for prior checking regarding the "certification procedure" dossier (Case 2007-168)
By Bureau Decision of 26 September 2005 the European Parliament adopted the arrangements for implementation of the certification procedure. Article 45a of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities, as amended by Regulation No 723/2004, enables officials in function group AST to be appointed to a post in function group AD on condition that, firstly, they have been selected by the institution to take part in a training programme, secondly, they have completed the training programme and, thirdly, they have passed examinations demonstrating that they have successfully taken part in the training programme.
The main recommendations made by the EDPS in the context of his opinion on the certification procedure concern the storage of data and the information supplied to data subjects.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch