
Système d’information douanier



Bonne application des réglementations douanière et agricole

Avis sur la proposition de règlement modifiant le règlement (CE) no 515/97 relatif à l'assistance mutuelle entre les autorités administratives des États membres et à la collaboration entre celles-ci et la Commission en vue d'assurer la bonne application des réglementations douanière et agricole (COM(2006) 866 final), JO C 94, 28.04.2007, p. 3

This Proposal foresees the creation or updating of various systems containing personal data, the European Data Directory, Custom Information System (CIS) and Customs Files Identification Database (FIDE), in order to strengthen the cooperation between Member States and the Commission to avoid breaches to customs and agricultural legislation. In this Opinion, the EDPS suggests various amendments to the Proposal in order to ensure the Proposal's overall compatibility with the existing legal framework on data protection and the effective protection of individuals' personal data. Among others, the Opinion calls upon the Commission to carry out a proper assessment of the necessity of the European Data Directory, proposes some amendments to recognize the EDPS supervisory role regarding CIS and FIDE and puts forwards a coordinated approach to its supervision (including national authorities and the EDPS).

COM(2006) 866 final du 22.12.2006
Langues disponibles: anglais, français