Freitag der 05. Juni 2015
Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT, Catholic University of Leuven, Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven (Belgium)
Ausgerichtet von der Uni Leuven, gesponsert durch das "PARIS (PrivAcy pReserving Infrastructure for Surveillance)" Projekt und unterstützt durch das PRIPARE Projekt
ICRI-ICT lage und vorgeschlagene Unterkunft:
Zugesagte Redner:
- Giovanni Buttarelli, European Data Protection Supervisor
- Wojciech Wiewiorowski, Assistant European Data Protection Supervisor
- Willem Debeuckelaere, President of the Belgium DPA
- Dr. Els Kindt, Head of Privacy Group ICRI-KU Leuven
- Achim Klabunde, Head of IT Policy sector at EDPS
- Prof. Fanny Coudert, KU Leuven
- Prof. Bettina Behrendt, KU Leuven
- Antonio Kung, Trialog, Paris
- Prof. Kai Rannenberg, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
- Christophe Stenuit, OGERIS
- Eduard de Jong, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC7, n-Count Technology B.V., QC Technology BV
- Prof. Chris Mitchell, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Michael O’Neill, Baycloud systems
- Ninja Marnau, CISPA Legal Research and Government Relations
- Cliff Beeckman, Commission for the Protection of Privacy
- Brendan Van Alsenoy, Research Unit ICRI / CIR
- Günes Acar, COSIC research group
- Dr. Stefan Schiffner, ENISA Area Head Smart Security and Trust
- Massimo Attoresi, EDPS Technology and Security officer and DPO
- Fidel Santiago, EDPS Technology and Security officer
- Fabio Polverino, Legal Officer, Policy and Consultation at EDPS
- Prof. Susan Perry, American University of Paris
- Pagona Tsormpatzoudi, ICRI/CIR iMinds
- Markus Grete, Grete DV GmbG
- Jan Schallaboeck, ULD Legal researcher
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