

In dieser Sitzung finden Sie einen Überblick über Veranstaltungen, Konferenzen und Treffen, die der EDSB organisiert oder an denen er teilnimmt. Bitte lesen Sie unsere Leitlinien für Referententätigkeiten, wenn Sie uns einladen möchten, während einer Veranstaltung Vorträge zu halten.


The Circle of e-Life - a Lifetime Relationship with your Data

As a society, we are increasingly wary of the way our personal information is being used. Yet the majority of us are still in the dark about the issues surrounding our personal data. This conference is aimed at discussing these issues and develop a transparent and fully-functioning relationship with our data.


CPDP 2020: Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence

The annual Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) International Conference has been confirmed for 22-24 January 2020! The event will be held at Les Halles de Schaerbeek and Area42 in Brussels and focus on the theme of Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence, paving the way for a thorough discussion on a broad range of ethical, legal and policy issues related to new technologies and data analytics.

CPDP offers the cutting edge in legal, regulatory, academic and technological development in privacy and data protection. It gathers together academics, lawyers, practitioners, policy-makers, computer scientists and civil society to exchange ideas and discuss the latest trends and emerging issues. Each year, CPDP offers a compelling and diverse line up of speakers and panels, making it one of the leading data protection and privacy conferences in Europe and around the world.

There will be more than 80 panels addressing current debates in the areas of information technology, privacy and data protection, some examples being  panels on AI and healthcare, autonomous vehicles, AI-based sentiment analysis, deepfakes, digital evidence, AI for crime prevention and GDPR compliance for SMEs. CPDP is also an extraordinary networking opportunity to mix and mingle with the privacy and data protection community.

The programme and registration information can be found at

You can follow CPDP on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and participate in the online conversation with the hashtag #CPDP2020
For videos from past conferences, visit the YouTube Channel:
For enquiries, contact:


EDPS-Civil Society Summit 2020

The EDPS-Civil society summit is an annual meeting between the EDPS and civil society organisations organized to discuss the state of data protection and privacy in the EU.

The 2020 edition will focus on a number of issues relating facial recognition, biometric surveillance technologies and its effects on activists
in the EU.

The Summit is part of Privacy Camp 2020.

Register here.

You can follow the event on our Twitter account and participate in the conversation using the hashtag #PrivacyCamp20.


Data Protection Certification Model - From risk management to accountability tools. The European transposition of the GDPR

The European Commission study on certifications provided national authorities and the EDPB with indications and clarifications on methodologies, rules, roles and responsibilities and on international standardization norms.

With the principles of awareness and accountability, strongly recalled by the GDPR, the Controller is called to "ensure" and be able to "demonstrate" that the processing operation is compliant with the regulation. What to do to achieve that? What elements should be considered? How to manage the implied risks?

Risk is a crosscutting concept in the Regulation, embracing the risk for rights and freedom and the risk for processing operations. How can it be managed? Are Risk assessment and DPIA models consistent?

The certification, introduced by the articles 42 and 43 and indicated by the above mentioned Commission study, provided powerful tools for demonstrating compliance with the GDPR. Regulation 2016/679 has identified ISO/IEC 17065: 2012 as the norm for accreditation of certification bodies, supported by the EDPB guidelines 4/2018. Why this standard and not another?

With the newly defined EU Wide Certification Models, the issue has affected the entire European panorama, placing institutions in front of a cultural and operational transposition problem: how to certify? What controls for those who certify? Which competences for auditors?

The debate analysed the current opportunities at European level in the area of certifications, through the words of the Tilburg researchers, the representatives of the EDPB, the EDPS and of the Osservatorio 679 board.



Patrizia Toia, MEP, IT S&D
Nicola Danti, MEP, IT S&D

10:00 – 10:10 Opening remarks by Roberto Viola, Director General DG Connect, European Commission
10:10 – 10:20 A memory of Giovanni Buttarelli by Gianluca Buttarelli
10:20 – 10:30 Introduction, Riccardo Giannetti, Osservatorio679 President

Part 1: From risk assessment to accountability tools

10:30 – 10:50 | Eric Lachaud University of Tilburg, the Commission Study on Art.42 and 43 of the GDPR EC Study on article 42/43 – Main takeaways from market scan

10:50 – 11:10 | Marco Moreschini, Osservatorio 679 member EC study: EuroPriSe and ISDP10003, two operational examples in scope Art. 42

11:10 – 11:30 | Rosario Imperiali - Lawyer, expert on privacy and data protection law
The demonstration process and tools to demonstrate the accountability

11:30 – 11:50 | Riccardo Giannetti – Osservatorio 679 President
GDPR Risk based - specific and non-specific certifications

Part 2: Debate on Guidelines 1 - 4/2018 and Annex 1 - 2 from theory to practice

12:00 – 13:00
Riccardo Giannetti, Osservatorio679 President
Bruno Gencarelli, Head of Data Protection Unit, DG Justice, European Commission
Massimo Attoresi - Data Protecion Officer, EDPS
Rosario Imperiali - Lawyer, expert on privacy and data protection law

EC Data Protection Certification Mechanisms
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
EuroPriSe and ISDP10003:2015 - Presentation by Marco Moreschini
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Tilburg Institute of Law, Technology and Society - Presentation by Eric Lachaud
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Data Protection Certification - Presentation by Riccardo Giannetti
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Accountability - Presentation by Rosario Imperiali
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch

Can We Trust Our Artificial Eyes? Data Protection in the Age of Human Enhancement

The European Data Protection Supervisor and European Data Protection Board hold their trainee conference on 11 July 2019 at 12:00 - 14:00 in room 01P100 of the Wilfried Martens Building in Brussels.

In the face of technological innovations that could transform the human body and mind, debates over the future of data protection and privacy are more important than ever. Bio-implants and body-integrated microchips have the potential to enhance and extend human capabilities, while the growth of the Internet of Things could link these devices with human beings as part of a global interconnected system. A primary issue around the debate on enhancement technologies relates to surveillance, control and profiling of individuals.

The European Data Protection Supervisor, Giovanni Buttarelli, and the Assistant Supervisor, Wojciech Wiewiórowski, will give their views, alongside an expert panel discussing how these technical developments affect our conception of humanity and possible issues relating to privacy and data protection.
