
EDPS issues policy paper on his role in EU research and technological development


EDPS issues policy paper on his role in EU research and technological development

Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) adopted a policy paper which sets out his role and possible contributions to EU research and technological development (RTD). The policy paper develops possible models of contribution, both in the preparatory stages of an EU Framework Programme and with regard to individual RTD projects.

The overall objective of these contributions is for the EDPS to promote and reinforce the application of the principle of "privacy by design".

Peter Hustinx, EDPS, says: "Privacy and data protection requirements need to be highlighted and applied as soon as possible in the life cycle of new technological developments in order to contribute to a better implementation of the data protection legal framework. The European RTD efforts constitute a very good opportunity to accomplish these goals."

The EDPS' contributions to a research Framework Programme and to calls for proposals may aim at the following:

  • participation in workshops and conferences intended to identify future challenges that can be relevant for EU RTD policy;
  • contribution to research advisory boards launched by the European Commission in connection with the Framework Programme, and provision of opinions on data protection matters;
  • assistance to the European Commission in the evaluation process of proposals, in particular regarding possible data protection issues these proposals might trigger.

The EDPS may also give an opinion in relation to individual RTD projects, either at the request of a consortium of a project, or on his own initiative.

The EDPS will take the opportunity of the PRISE1 final conference on the next steps towards privacy enhancing security technologies (Vienna, 28-29 April) to present the main elements of the policy paper.

(1) PRISE is a supporting activity under the Preparatory Actions for Security Research (PASR) programme.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch