



Staff assessment - Ombudsman

Opinion of 3 August 2007 on the notification for prior checking regarding staff assessment (Case 2007-406)

The appraisal procedure is a processing operation intended to evaluate the ability, efficiency and conduct of the statutory personnel in line with Article 43 of the Staff Regulations and Article 15.2 of the Conditions of employment of other servants of the EC.
In his prior checking opinion, the EDPS basically approved the new procedure as foreseen by the European Ombudsman (that shall replace the current procedure dating of 2001). However,  the EDPS made some recommendation, in particular concerning the storage of the appraisal reports in the personal files, as well as the information to be provided to the persons concerned.
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Competence inventory - European Training Foundation

Opinion of 13 June 2007 on a notification for prior checking regarding ETF's competence inventory (Case 2006-437)

This opinion is on the "competence inventory" exercise of the European Training Foundation (ETF) was issued. This complex exercise serves to create a very detailed database listing all relevant competences of each employee. It involves self-assessment, peer-review and moderation by a panel to ensure consistency throughout the ETF. The primary purpose is to obtain aggregate data for strategic management purposes such as to identify competence gaps and adjust recruitment and training polices accordingly.

The EDPS concluded that there are doubts on the proportionality of the establishment of the database and the data quality. For these reasons, the EDPS recommended that ETF reconsiders the necessity of carrying out the competence inventory exercise and look for less intrusive alternatives.

In any event, the EDPS insisted that the database should not result in a parallel performance evaluation system and ETF's management must clearly and explicitly recognise the limitations of the reliability of the data to inform decisions that individually affect data subjects, for example, assessment of applications for internal mobility. Therefore, the data should never be used for pre-selection or exclusion, but only as one of several sources to inform decision-making. Similarly, the competence inventory should not be used for performance appraisal, promotion or assessing contract renewal. Moreover, use of the database should not lead to dismissal, exclusion when tasks are allocated or team leaders and managers are selected, or to similar prejudices to staff members.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Incompetence - Court of Auditors

Opinion of 18 January 2007 on the notification for prior checking regarding the "maintaining professional standards in cases of incompetence" file (Case 2006-534)

The Court of Auditors has agreed on a draft Decision on the maintaining of professional standards (in cases of incompetence). The Decision sets up the accompanying programme, the reports produced after the programme has been followed and the final decision taken by the Appointing Authority in cases where an official of the Court of Auditors is considered to be professionally incompetent, following an annual appraisal report drafted in accordance with Article 43 of the Staff Regulations which, having been finalised, shows that the official concerned needs to make major improvements in at least one of his or her competencies.

The EDPS has analysed the processing before the establishment of this draft Decision by the Court of Auditors, since it could lead to some personal aspects relating to staff members being evaluated. The main recommendations concern the information that must be provided to staff members and data retention time limits.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch