

In dieser Sitzung finden Sie einen Überblick über Veranstaltungen, Konferenzen und Treffen, die der EDSB organisiert oder an denen er teilnimmt. Bitte lesen Sie unsere Leitlinien für Referententätigkeiten, wenn Sie uns einladen möchten, während einer Veranstaltung Vorträge zu halten.


EDPS Meeting with NGOs on the Data Protection Reform

The European Data Protection Supervisor has invited civil society groups to a meeting on the data protection reform package, discussions on which are ongoing.  The invitation is extended to all the signatories of a recent letter calling on the EU to ensure 'stronger, unified data protection rules'.

The discussion, which will take place on 27 May 2015 in Brussels, will be filmed for publication on our website shortly afterwards, as part of the EDPS's commitment to understanding better stakeholder views, and to dialogue with experts from all sectors on how to ensure data flows are regulated in the interest of the individual.


European Conference of Data Protection Authorities

From 18 to 20 May 2015, the UK's Information Commissioner's Office will host the European Conference of Data Protection Authorities, which will take place in Manchester.

The Conference will focus on delivering rights for individuals, with a clear and practical call to action. The aim should be to ensure that individuals are able to easily exercise their rights.

Registration for the conference will close on 10 April 2015. The event is open to members of accredited data protection authorities and observers, and will be an opportunity for delegates to address subjects of common interest and help advance the fundamental right to data protection.

To register for the conference:

For more information:


Tag der Offenen Tür der Europäischen Einrichtungen Brüssel

Am Samstag, 9. Mai 2015 markieren die EU-Einrichtungen erneut den Jahrestag der Schuman-Erklärung, und feiern das Europafest mit einem Tag der offenen Tür in Brüssel.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, Sie auf dem EDSB-Stand im Europäischen Parlament (Brüssel, Place du Luxembourg, erster Stock im ASP-Gebäude, vor dem Sitzungssaal 1G) zwischen 10.00 Uhr und 16.00 Uhr empfangen zu dürfen.

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"Personal Information - Smarten Up!" Mittags-Konferenz zum 9. Europäischen Datenschutz-Tag, in Brüssel

In a ranking of importance to people’s daily lives, the smartphone surged to the top, falling below only the Internet and personal hygiene. Given the sensitive data stored on smartphones, from pictures and contacts information to bank details, PINs, and medical information, special care should be given to securing them against any harm, both online (data theft) and offline (stolen).

At this exclusive conference, the EDPS will outline risks to your personal data and how you can better protect your data on your smart devices. The event will be streamed live and everyone can get involved in the conversation with the Supervisors and panellists through Twitter #EDPD2015.

Programme of the conference.