

In dieser Sitzung finden Sie einen Überblick über Veranstaltungen, Konferenzen und Treffen, die der EDSB organisiert oder an denen er teilnimmt. Bitte lesen Sie unsere Leitlinien für Referententätigkeiten, wenn Sie uns einladen möchten, während einer Veranstaltung Vorträge zu halten.


Europäisches Fest – Tag der Offenen Tür der Europäischen Einrichtungen, Brüssel

Die EU-Einrichtungen erneut den Jahrestag der Schuman-Erklärung, und feiern das Europafest mit einem Tag der offenen Tür in Brüssel.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, Sie auf dem EDSB-Stand im Europäischen Parlament (Brüssel, Place du Luxembourg, erster Stock, ASP-Gebäude) zwischen 10.00 Uhr und 16.00 Uhr empfangen zu dürfen.

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EDPS round table of the Smart borders package and data protection implications, Brussels

As part of his Strategy for excellence 2013/2014, the EDPS organised a workshop dedicated to the Smart Borders package. The aim of the round table was to share experiences from countries that implemented similar systems and to have a debate on the implications for data protection of both legislative proposals.

The EDPS will in the coming months issue an opinion on the Smart Borders package.

Summary of the meeting:
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch

EDPS round table of the Smart borders package and data protection implications, Brussels

As part of his Strategy for excellence 2013/2014, the EDPS organised a workshop dedicated to the Smart Borders package. The aim of the round table was to share experiences from countries that implemented similar systems and to have a debate on the implications for data protection of both legislative proposals.

The EDPS will in the coming months issue an opinion on the Smart Borders package.

Summary of the meeting:
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch

European Data Protection Day

Everyday, personal information is collected, shared and used by individuals, organisations and public authorities. Recruiting activities, video surveillance, health data collection are just a few examples.

47 countries countries of the Council of Europe as well as European institutions, agencies and bodies will celebrate the seventh European Data Protection Day. This date marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe Convention 108 on the protection of personal information, the first legally binding international instrument related to the field of data protection.

This annual event will again be an opportunity for the EDPS and Data Protection Officers from EU institutions to focus on raising awareness among EU staff and others on their data protection rights and obligations. These rights and obligations are set out in the EU Data Protection Regulation and their implementation within the EU administration is supervised by the EDPS.

A short film is available. This is an entertaining and informative way to highlight some of the data protection rights and risks that are inherent in our everyday lives.

To commemorate Data Protection Day the EDPS, in cooperation with the European Parliament, have organised a joint conference What will the data protection reform change for EU officials and citizens? Peter Hustinx, Supervisor, Giovanni Buttarelli, Assistant Supervisor and Mr. Paul De Hert, Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels will take part in the panel discussion.

Don't miss A look inside, an original art exhibition centred on privacy and presented by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and The Privacy Commission of Belgium. Recently opened at De Markten in Brussels the exhibition presents the work of young European artists, who use their artistic expression to provoke discussions about privacy and its relevance in modern day life. The exhibition is open until 03.02.2013. Read the speech of Peter Hustinx given during the reception at the Exhibition.


6th International Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference, Brussels

Every year the CPDP gathers in Brussels policy makers, academics, computer scientists, consultants, practitioners and activists from all over the world to exchange ideas and discuss emerging issues in information technology, privacy, data protection and law.

This year's edition of the conference is entitled "Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) 2013: Reloading Data Protection". It will provide a forum to discuss such important topics as cyberwar, internet freedom and introduction of drones in the EU civilian airspace. The conference will also provide a forum to review the key debates surrounding the proposed data protection regulation.
Members of the EDPS secretariat will take part to panel discussions. Giovanni Buttarelli in the opening panel will speak about the proposed data protection regulation, while Peter Hustinx will provide the concluding notes of the conference.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch