



Assistance administrative mutuelle

Avis concernant la proposition modifiée de règlement relatif à l'assistance administrative mutuelle aux fins de la protection des intérêts financiers de la Communauté contre la fraude et toute autre activité illégale, JO C 94, 28.04.2007, p. 1

The amended proposal sets forth communication and assistance procedures between the Commission and Member States in order to protect the Community financial interests.
The EDPS considers that the proposal on the whole maintains the level of protection of personal data contained in the EU data protection framework; Directive 95/46/EC and Regulation 45/2001.

Nevertheless, the EDPS notes that whether such standards of data protection will indeed be maintained depend on the specific content of implementing legislation for which the proposal creates a legal basis. Since implementing legislation will be crucial for the protection of personal data in this context, the EDPS particularly welcomes the obligation to consult him on the drafting of such implementing legislation.


Enquêtes d'OLAF

Avis concernant la proposition de règlement modifiant le règlement (CE) no 1073/1999 relatif aux enquêtes effectuées par l'Office européen de lutte antifraude (OLAF), JO C 91, 26.04.2007, p. 1

The proposal relates to OLAF's operational activities because it aims to amend the Regulation which lays down the rules and constitute the legal basis for investigations, etc. The aim is to:

  • Improve the effectiveness of investigations;
  • Facilitate the exchange between OLAF and the various institutions concerning information about suspected wrongdoings, at both EU and national level; and
  • Guarantee the rights of persons implicated in an investigation, including their right to data protection and privacy and make procedural guarantees stronger.

The EDPS agrees with the significance of the goals and objectives pursued by the proposed amendments, especially regarding the procedural guarantees afforded to individuals. However, when it comes to personal data protection, the proposal could be further improved without jeopardising the objectives that it pursues. Concerns relate to the right of information, access and rectification as well as exchanges of personal information. The EDPS also proposes measures regarding the confidentiality of whistleblowers.