


Jede EU-Institution, Organ oder Agentur EU institutionen ernennt einen Datenschutzbeauftragten (DSB).Seine Aufgabe ist es, die interne Anwendung der für alle EU-Institutionen zutreffenden Datenschutzregelung in selbstständiger Art zu gewährleisten. Weiterhin sorgt der DSB dafür, dass die für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichenund die Einzelpersonen von ihren Rechten und Verpflichtungen informiert sind, und arbeitet mit dem EDSB zusammen, auf eigene Initiative oder auf Anfrage des EDSB. Auf unserer Website finden Sie eine Liste von allen Datenschutzbeauftragten.


Other Documents

Presentations: Introduction to data protection

DPO Corner: Introduction to data protection, legal basis, rights of data subjects, transfers of data, prior checking procedures.

Introduction to data protection
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Controller Processor
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Legal basis
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Rights of data subjects
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Prior checking procedure
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch

Possibility of appointing a common/shared DPO

EDPS consultation of 16 December 2016 on the possibility of appointing a common/shared DPO between the European Parliament and the Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations (Case  2016-1117)

Verfügbare Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

DPO-EDPS meeting

The DPOs in the EU institutions and bodies, around 60 in total, organise themselves in a network, which the EDPS actively supports. The main feature of this network is the DPO meetings, which take place twice each year. These meetings have taken place since 2004 and represent a valuable opportunity for DPOs to share experiences from their respective institutions both with one another and with their supervisory authority, the EDPS. The meetings are also an opportunity for the EDPS to present our policies and activities to DPOs, who are our close partners and main contact points within the EU institutions and bodies.
The next DPO meeting will take place at EUIPO in Alicante on 27 October 2016. It will include discussions on EDPS inspections, Data Protection Impact Assessments, right of access and restrictions and EDPS Guidelines on mobile devices and web services.
For more information please consult the agenda.


Newsletter Nr. 48

The July 2016 edition of the EDPS Newsletter covers the EDPS Opinion on Privacy Shield, the 2015 Annual Report, the EDPS Accountability Initiative and many other EDPS activities.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch

DPO-EDPS meeting

For a number of years, the DPOs in the EU institutions and bodies have met at regular intervals to share common experiences and discuss horizontal issues. These meetings which take place twice a year have been a regular fixture in the EDPS calendar since 2004 since they are a valuable opportunity to listen to DPOs sharing experiences from their respective institutions with one another and with their supervisory authority - us. These meetings are also an opportunity for the EDPS to present our policies and activities to DPOs. The upcoming DPO meeting at Eurofound in Dublin on 28 April 2016 will include discussions on the EDPS' e-communications guidelines, staff appraisal, whistleblowing and cloud computing.

For more information please consult the agenda.