

Les institutions et organes de l’UE prennent des décisions et adoptent une législation qui ont une incidence sur la vie de tous ceux qui vivent dans ses États membres. Les décisions qui les touchent doivent être prises de manière aussi ouverte que possible. Vous avez le droit de savoir pourquoi, comment et qui est impliqué dans l’élaboration de ces décisions et lois. Vous avez également le droit fondamental d’accéder aux documents préparés dans le cadre de ces activités.

De même, la transparence est un principe fondamental en matière de protection des données. Vous avez le droit de savoir quelles sont vos données à caractère personnel qui sont collectées, utilisées, consultées ou traitées d'une autre manière et dans quelle mesure les données à caractère personnel sont ou seront traitées.



Politique commune de la pêche

Avis sur la proposition de règlement du Conseil instituant un régime communautaire de contrôle afin d'assurer le respect des règles de la politique commune de la pêche, JO C 151, 03.07.2009, p. 11

There are different reasons why data protection provisions in the context of this proposal are relevant. First, the proposal foresees the processing of various data, which in certain cases, can be considered as personal data. Moreover, the proposal also foresees transfers of these data and exchanges of information, both between Member States and with the Commission or the Community Fisheries Control Agency. The EDPS also notes that the proposal foresees the use of aggregated data in certain circumstances. All these aspects require respecting the data protection legal framework.

The EDPS welcomes that reference to privacy and data protection is made within the current proposal. However, some amendments are needed in order to provide clear requirements, both for the Member States and for the Commission to address the data protection aspects of the system.

Langues disponibles: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, allemand, Estonian, Greek, anglais, Spanish, français, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish
COM(2008) 721 du 14.11.2008
Langues disponibles: anglais, français

Transparence du patrimoine des débiteurs

Avis sur le Livre vert de la Commission intitulé "Exécution effective des décisions judiciaires dans l'Union européenne: la transparence du patrimoine des débiteurs" - COM(2008) 128 final, JO C 20, 27.01.2009, p 1

On the 22 September, the EDPS adopted an Opinion on the Commission Green paper on the Effective Enforcement of Judgements in the European Union: the Transparency of Debtors' Assets. The Green paper focuses on possible measures at EU level that can be adopted with a view to improve the transparency of the debtor's assets and the right of creditors to obtain information with a view to effectively enforce their rights whilst respecting the principles for the protection of debtor's privacy pursuant to the provisions of Directive 95/46. The Green paper analyzes in detail the current situation as well as a broad range of possible options to reach these objectives.

The EDPS opinion is mainly aimed at providing guidance with regard to data protection issues that may arise in possible legislative initiatives stemming from this Green paper and complements the public consultation launched by the Commission in March. In particular, the EDPS welcomes the Green paper and the broad consultation to which it has been submitted and recommends that:

  • Possible legislative actions stemming from the Green paper should ensure that the processing of personal data carried out by the whole range of enforcement authorities is clearly based on at least one of the legal grounds laid down by Article 7 of Directive 95/46/EC, and in particular its letter c) and/or e);
  • The proportionality principle is duly taken into account not only with regard to the data elements to be disclosed by the debtors, but also with regard to other aspects such as the period of time during which the data are stored and disclosed, the entities having access to data, and the modalities of disclosure;
  • Any measures on transparency of debtors' assets respect the purpose limitation principle and that any necessary exception would comply with the conditions laid down by Article 13 of Directive 95/46;
  • Aspects concerning the provision of information to the debtors, the rights of data subjects, and the security of processing are duly taken into account.

The EDPS will remain available to provide informal comments on draft proposals arising from this Green paper and expects to be consulted on any adopted legislative proposals pursuant to Article 28(2) of Regulation 45/2001.

COM(2008) 128 final du 06.03.2008
Langues disponibles: anglais, français