
IPEN (Internet Privacy Engineering Network)

Das Internet Privacy Engineering Network (IPEN) wurde im Jahr 2014 eingerichtet. Es handelt sich um eine praktische Initiative zur Unterstützung der Entwicklung von Methoden und Instrumenten, mit deren Hilfe Technologien zum Schutz der Privatsphäre (Privacy Enhancing Technologies – PET) wirksam gefördert werden können.

Die Initiative fördert die Bildung von Arbeitsgruppen zur Entwicklung von (wieder-) verwendbaren Bausteinen, Designmustern und sonstigen Lösungen für ausgewählte Fälle der Internetnutzung, in denen die Privatsphäre gefährdet ist.

Die Teilnehmer des IPEN stammen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen, darunter Mitarbeiter von Datenschutzbehörden, Hochschulen, Open-Source-Projekten und industrieller Forschung und Entwicklung sowie weitere Personen, die sich verpflichtet haben, technische Lösungen für die Herausforderungen des Schutzes der Privatsphäre zu finden.

Ziel der Arbeit ist die Integration des Datenschutzes und des Schutzes der Privatsphäre in allen Phasen des Entwicklungsprozesses, von der Festlegung der Anforderungen bis zur Produktion, wie es für das jeweilige Entwicklungsmodell und das Anwendungsumfeld am geeignetsten ist.

Das IPEN fördert die Vernetzung zwischen Entwicklergruppen und bestehenden Initiativen zur Verbesserung des Schutzes der Privatsphäre im Internet. Das Netzwerk erleichtert den Austausch, um die Tätigkeiten zu koordinieren und Doppelarbeit zu vermeiden. Zudem wird erörtert, welche Anwendungsfälle in Bezug auf die Privatsphäre vorrangig behandelt werden sollten.

Dazu baut das IPEN eine Wissensdatenbank auf und stellt die Ergebnisse und Kenntnisse allen Teilnehmern, Entwicklern und Datenschutzexperten bereit.

Eine Kerngruppe befasst sich mit der Sammlung und Verbreitung von Informationen, steht in Kontakt mit anderen relevanten Initiativen, erleichtert den Dialog über technische Lösungen und organisiert (online und offline) Veranstaltungen.


Other Documents

IPEN 2020 Encryption Webinar

IPEN 2020 Encryption Webinar

IPEN workshops bring together privacy experts and engineers from public authorities, industry, academia and civil society to discuss relevant challenges and developments for the technological implementation of data protection and privacy.

The EDPS organised on 24 June 2020 an Internet Privacy Engineering Network (IPEN)

Webinar on the Use of Encryption for Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs)

The webinar was a follow-up event to the online workshop held on 3 June 2020 on the state of the art in encryption and its role as a safeguard for data protection and privacy. The common objective for both events was to add more technical knowledge and better understanding to the debates on privacy and encryption, by promoting the understanding of already available technologies, and encouraging their development and use when processing personal data.

Other Documents

IPEN 2020 Online Workshop

IPEN 2020 Online Workshop

IPEN workshops bring together privacy experts and engineers from public authorities, industry, academia and civil society to discuss relevant challenges and developments for the technological implementation of data protection and privacy.

The EDPS organised the first online IPEN workshop, on:

Wednesday 3 June 2020

with a  focus on the state of the art in encryption and its role for protection of privacy and personal data. The event was designed to promote the understanding of already available encryption technologies, and encourage their development and usage in the context of processing of personal data.

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IPEN 2020 Panel on Web Tracking

IPEN 2020 Panel on Web Tracking

Exposing and limiting web tracking - technology, design, litigation and enforcement

Tuesday, 21 January 2020, from 10:00 – 12:00


European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
Giovanni Buttarelli Room (Ground Floor)
Rue Montoyer 30
1000 Brussels, Belgium

IPEN events bring together privacy experts and engineers from public authorities, industry, academia and civil society to discuss relevant challenges and developments for the technological implementation of data protection and privacy.

The first IPEN event of 2020 will be focussing on web tracking, which over the years has become more pervasive and problematic. Web tracking is an issue tightly linked to technology, and new technologies are emerging to help identify and fight unlawful web tracking.

This IPEN event will showcase the efforts by Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) to increasingly enforce the relevant provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive, and by consumer protection organisations to use legal means to curb web tracking. A software provider is trying to offer an alternative to the prevailing financing model for web companies. On an internet where websites have become increasingly complex and dependant on third party components, website owners appreciate having the tools to assess the web tracking activities on their websites. Equally, website visitors would also be empowered if they could do some test on the visited websites to check for web trackers. As part of the answer, the event will showcase the Website Evidence Collector, made publicly available by the European Data Protection Supervisor.


10:00-10:30 Registration (coffee and tea will be served)
10:30-10:40 Opening statement by Wojciech WIEWIOROWSKI, European Data Protection Supervisor
10:40-11:50 Panel discussion with

  • Isabelle BUSCKE, German consumer organisation VZBV
  • Jelle MAKKINGA, Senior Inspector, Dutch DPA Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens
  • Xabier LAREO, Technology & Security Officer, EDPS
  • Panos PAPADOPOULOS, Brave Software
  • Achim KLABUNDE, Adviser to the Supervisor, EDPS (moderator)

11:50-12:00 Conclusion by Thomas ZERDICK, Head of Unit “Information Technology Policy”, EDPS

The panel will be part of the “Brussels Data Protection Week” and take place the day before the conference "Computers, Privacy and Data Protection" which will be held 22-24 January 2020.

Registration details

The workshop is free of charge. Participants will carry their own expenses.
To register for the workshop, please send an email to stating your full name, affiliation and whether you consent to:

  • sharing your contact details among the participants of the workshop for networking purposes;
  • using your contact details to invite you to future similar events;
  • taking photos and record videos of you during the workshop for publishing them on our intranet, internet site and other EDPS social channels (Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube).

Upon receipt of a registration request, we may ask for additional details required to access the EDPS building.

For questions please read the Data Protection Notice or contact
For more information about the Internet Privacy Engineering Network, please check the IPEN homepage, the IPEN Wiki and/or consider joining the IPEN mailing list.

Other Documents

Presentations annual IPEN workshop 2019 - Afternoon sessions

Presentations annual IPEN workshop, 12 June 2019, Rome

‘Anonymisation systems and utility’ - Maurizio Naldi, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
‘Embedding privacy in software development: implementation aspects’ - Larisa Gabudeanu, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
‘Design patterns for consent management’ - Stefano Leucci, Nexa Center for Internet and Society
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
‘PDP4E privacy engineering toolkit’ - Samuel Martín, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Gabriel Pedroza, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA)
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
‘Data subjects and privacy by design’ - Rula Sayaf, Privacy Algebra
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Other Documents

Presentations annual IPEN workshop 2019 - Morning sessions

Presentations annual IPEN workshop, 12 June 2019, Rome

‘The Brave Ad Platform’ - Panos Papadopoulos, Brave
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
‘ErnieApp’ - Scott Stonham, ErnieApp
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
‘By design approach in large-scale smart city projects’ - Alessandro Mantelero, Politecnico di Torino
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
‘Status of privacy engineering standardisation’ - Antonio Kung, Trialog
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
‘State of the art on reusable elements for the systematic design of privacy-friendly information systems’ - José M. del Álamo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
‘Guiding App Developers on Privacy and Security Design Matters’ - Majid Hatamian, Goethe Universität Frankfurt/M.
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch