

L’UE dans son ensemble et chacun de ses États membres sont confrontés à de nouvelles menaces contre la sécurité, menaces diverses et complexes qui sont de nature plus internationale et transfrontalière. Plusieurs outils juridiques et pratiques ont été mis en place pour lutter contre le terrorisme et la criminalité transfrontières. Plus particulièrement, les échanges d’informations et la coopération opérationnelle entre les services répressifs ont été renforcés.



Voice logging at JRC-IE - Commission

Opinion of 29 April 2009 on a notification for prior checking on Voice Logging at the Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy (JRC-IE) in Petten (Case 2008-014)

This case concerned the recording of incoming and outgoing calls as well as records the calling telephone number, the called telephone number, date, time and length of the conversation at the JRC-IE in Petten the purpose of being able to check the content of the calls to the lines concerned in the event of an operational incident, emergencies and to be able to evaluate emergency training exercises at a later stage. These calls may also furnish evidence for investigations into potential threats to the institution.

The EDPS opinion particularly examines the lawfulness of the processing operation as the recording of calls is a violation to the principle of confidentiality of communications. The EDPS acknowledged that the processing was lawful as based on mandatory national legislation applicable in the field of nuclear facilities. The EDPS also made recommendations on the information to the persons concerned notably to external persons calling the switchboard and who must be informed that the communication will be recorded for security purposes at the start of the call.

Langues disponibles: anglais

Deuxième avis sur la vie privée et les communications électroniques

Deuxième avis relatif au réexamen de la directive 2002/58/CE concernant le traitement des données à caractère personnel et la protection de la vie privée dans le secteur des communications électroniques (directive "vie privée et communications électroniques"), JO C 128, 06.06.2009, p. 28

This Opinion follows upon a first EDPS Opinion, as well as Comments, in which recommendations were made to help ensure that the proposed changes effectively provide for the best possible protection of personal data.

This Second Opinion comes as a response to the Council's Common Position which, on a number of critical points, fails to endorse some of the data protection safeguards proposed by the European Parliament and the European Commission or previously recommended by the EDPS. The recommendations presented in this Opinion aim at streamlining some of the provisions of the Directive, while at the same time ensuring an adequate level of data protection and privacy.

The Opinion particularly focuses on the provisions relating to the setting up of a mandatory security breach notification system for which the Supervisor believes there is still some room for improvement.

Langues disponibles: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, allemand, Estonian, Greek, anglais, Spanish, français, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish