
Frontières, asile, migration

Les individus souhaitent entrer dans l’UE pour diverses raisons et par différentes filières: regroupement familial, travail, affaires ou éducation, mais aussi pour échapper à l’oppression politique ou à la guerre.  Les autorités nationales de l’UE doivent coopérer sur la gestion des frontières afin de garder nos frontières sûres.  Elles ont également une responsabilité partagée pour le traitement équitable des demandeurs d’asile à travers l’UE. Un certain nombre de mécanismes de partage des informations - comprenant la collecte et l’échange d’informations sur des citoyens non membres de l’UE - occupent une place centrale dans leur coopération en matière de migration et d’asile.



Lowering the minimum age for fingerprinting visa applicants

EDPS formal comments in response to the Commission public consultation on lowering the fingerprinting age for children in the visa procedure from 12 to 6 years old

Langues disponibles: allemand, anglais, français

Newsletter Nr. 51

The May 2017 edition of the EDPS Newsletter covers recently adopted Opinions on data protection and the EU institutions, digital content and the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), as well as many other EDPS activities.

Langues disponibles: anglais

Workshop: Data Protection within International Organizations

The EDPS and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are co-organising the 6th edition of the Data Protection Workshop within International Organizations, which will take place on 11–12 May at the IOM in Geneva.

This workshop, initiated by the EDPS over ten years ago, aims at bringing together International Organisations to:

  • Share experience and best practice in the field of data protection and analyse its impact as part of good governance within International Organisations;
  • Summarise the most recent regulatory developments at international level in the area of privacy and data protection and analyse the potential implications of such developments for International Organisations;
  • Analyse the state of play of data protection within International Organisations;
  • Discuss the progress made since the last workshop.

Topics which will be covered at this year's workshop include cloud computing, processing of health data, the role of the Data Protection Officer, and data transfers to International Organisations under the GDPR.

Video of the event can be found here.

Langues disponibles: anglais