
Protection des données dès la conception

La protection des données dès la conception vise à intégrer la protection des données et le respect de la vie privée dans la conception des activités de traitement et des systèmes d’information, afin de respecter les principes de protection des données. Les organisations sont tenues de prendre en compte la protection des droits des personnes, tant avant que pendant leurs activités de traitement, en mettant en œuvre les mesures techniques et organisationnelles appropriées afin de veiller à ce qu’elles satisfassent aux obligations de protection des données. Afin de s’assurer que ce principe clé du règlement général sur la protection des données est mis en pratique, le CEPD publiera des documents d’orientation.



Stratégie européenne en matière d'e-Justice

Avis sur la communication de la Commission intitulée "Vers une stratégie européenne en matière d'e-Justice", JO C 128, 06.06.2009, p. 13

The Communication aims to propose an e-Justice Strategy that intends to increase citizens' confidence in the European area of Justice. E-Justice's primary objective should be to help justice to be administered more effectively throughout Europe, for the benefit of the citizens. The EU's action should enable citizens to access information without being hindered by the linguistic, cultural and legal barriers stemming from the multiplicity of systems. A draft action plan and timetable for the various projects are annexed to the Communication.

E-Justice has a very wide-ranging scope, including in general the use of ICT in the administration of justice within the European Union. This covers a number of issues like projects providing litigants with information in a more effective way. This includes online information on judicial systems, legislation and case law, electronic communication systems linking litigants and the courts and the establishment of fully electronic procedures. It covers also European projects like the use of electronic tools to record hearings and projects involving information exchange or interconnection.

The EDPS supports the present proposal to establish e-Justice and recommends taking into account the observations made in his opinion, which includes:

  • Taking into account the recent Framework decision on the protection of personal data in the field of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters - including its shortcomings - not only when implementing the measures envisaged in the Communication, but also with a view to starting as soon as possible the reflections on further improvements of the legal framework for data protection in law enforcement;
  • Including administrative procedures in e-Justice. As part of this new element, e-Justice projects should be initiated to enhance the visibility of data protection rules as well as national data protection authorities, in particular in relation to the kinds of data processed in the framework of e-Justice projects;
  • Maintaining a preference for decentralized architectures;
  • Ensuring that the interconnection and interoperability of systems duly takes into account the purpose limitation principle;
  • Allocating clear responsibilities to all actors processing personal data within the envisaged systems and providing mechanisms of effective coordination between data protection authorities;
  • Ensuring that processing of personal data for purposes other than those for which they were collected should respect the specific conditions laid down by the applicable data protection legislation;
  • Clearly defining and circumscribing the use of automatic translations, so as to favour mutual understanding of criminal offences without affecting the quality of the information transmitted;
  • Clarifying Commission responsibility for common infrastructures, such as the s-TESTA;
  • With regard to the use of new technologies, ensuring that data protection issues are taken into account at the earliest possible stage ("privacy-by-design") as well as fostering technology tools allowing citizens to be in better control of their personal data even when they move between different Member States.
Langues disponibles: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, allemand, Estonian, Greek, anglais, Spanish, français, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish
COM(2008) 329 du 30.05.2008
Langues disponibles: anglais, français

Identification par radiofréquence (RFID)

Avis sur la communication de la Commission au Parlement européen, au Conseil, au Comité Economique et Social et au Comité des régions intitulée "L'identification par radiofréquence (RFID) en Europe: vers un cadre politique", document COM(2007) 96, JO C 101, 23.04.2008, p. 1

The EDPS published on 20 December 2007 an Opinion on the Commission's Communication on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Europe that was released in March 2007. The Opinion deals with the growing use of RFID chips in consumer products and other new applications affecting individuals.
The EDPS welcomes the Commission's Communication on RFID as it addresses the main issues arising from the deployment of RFID technology while taking account of privacy and data protection considerations. The EDPS agrees with the Commission that it is appropriate in the first phase to leave room for self-regulatory instruments. However, additional legislative measures may be necessary to regulate RFID usage in relation to privacy and data protection.
Supporting the opt-in option at the point of sale, the "privacy by design" principle and the identification of "best available techniques", the EDPS recommends considering the adoption of a proposal for Community legislation regulating the main issues of RFID-usage in case the proper implementation of the existing legal framework fails.
Langues disponibles: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, allemand, Estonian, Greek, anglais, Spanish, français, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish
COM(2007) 96 final du 15.03.2007
Langues disponibles: anglais, français