

Die EU verfügt über eine Reihe von IT-Großsystemen, darunter Eurodac, das Visa-Informationssystem, das Schengener Informationssystem, das Zollinformationssystem oder das Binnenmarkt-Informationssystem.

Die Aufsicht über diese Datenbanken teilen sich die nationalen Datenschutzbehörden und der EDSB.

Zur Sicherstellung eines hohen und einheitlichen Datenschutzniveaus arbeiten die nationalen Datenschutzbehörden und der EDSB zusammen, um die Aufsicht über diese Datenbanken zu koordinieren.



Zugang zu EURODAC zu Strafverfogungszwecken

Stellungnahme zu den Vorschlägen über den Zugang zu EURODAC zu Strafverfolgungszwecken

Verfügbare Sprachen: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Deutsch, Estonian, Greek, Englisch, Spanish, Französisch, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish

EudraVigilance database - EMEA

Opinion of 7 September 2009 on a notification for prior checking regarding the EudraVigilance database (Case 2008-402)

EMEA manages the EudraVigilance database whose originates from National Competent Authorities, Market Authorization Holders and sponsors of clinical trials.  The purpose of the database is to evaluate suspected adverse reactions to medicinal products for human use. The EDPS considers that the processing is lawful to the extent that EMEA follows the recommendations included in the Opinion, particularly those regarding the data quality principle.

The EDPS recommended, among others, that EMEA:

  • Engages in an examination of the possibility to minimize the personal data recorded in ICRs as well as of the possibility to anonymise or pseudoanonymise personal information contained in ICRs;
  • Considers whether a  limited conservation period would fulfill the purposes sought by the data processing;
  • Adopts the security measures described in this Opinion.
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

"Stockholm Programme" - An Area of freedom, security and justice serving the citizen

Opinion on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on an Area of freedom, security and justice serving the citizen, OJ C 276, 17.11.2009, p. 8

COM(2009) 262 of 10.06.2009
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch

Use of information technology for customs purposes

Opinion on the Initiative of the French Republic for a Council Decision on the use of information technology for customs purposes, OJ C 229, 23.09.2009, p. 12

Verfügbare Sprachen: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Deutsch, Estonian, Greek, Englisch, Spanish, Französisch, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish

Commission data protection guidelines for IMI

Answer to the letter of the Commission regarding the Commission Recommendation on the data protection guidelines for the Internal Market Information System (IMI), 7 April 2009

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch
Commission letter of 26 March 2009
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch