
Systèmes Informatiques à Grande échelle

L’UE a mis en place un certain nombre de systèmes informatiques à grande échelle, dont le système Eurodac ; le système d’information sur les visas ; le système d’information Schengen ; le système d’information douanier ; le système d’information du marché intérieur.

La supervision de ces bases de données est partagée entre les autorités nationales chargées de la protection des données et le CEPD.

Afin de garantir un niveau élevé et cohérent de protection des données, les autorités nationales chargées de la protection des données et le CEPD collaborent afin de coordonner la supervision de ces bases de données.



Système d'information du marché intérieur (IMI)

Avis concernant la décision de la Commission du 12 décembre 2007 relative à la protection des données à caractère personnel dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre du Système d'information du marché intérieur (IMI) (2008/49/CE), JO C 270, 25.10.2008, p. 1

This Opinion is part of the broader EDPS efforts to improve the data protection safeguards for this large-scale IT system operated by the European Commission to facilitate information exchanges between competent authorities in Member States in the area of internal market legislation.
The EDPS supports the establishment of this electronic system for the exchange of information. Nevertheless, establishment of a centralized electronic system also creates certain risks. These include, most importantly, that more data might be shared and more broadly than strictly necessary for the purposes of efficient cooperation, and that data, including potentially outdated and inaccurate data, might remain in the electronic system longer than is necessary. The security of a database accessible in 27 Member States is also a sensitive issue, as the system is only as safe as the weakest link in the network permits it to be.
In the Opinion, the EDPS questions the adequacy of the legal basis chosen for the adoption of the IMI Decision. The EDPS recommends that the Commission replaces the IMI Decision by a legal instrument that fulfils the requirement of legal certainty. As an ultimately most sound solution, the EDPS suggests adopting a separate legal instrument for the IMI-system, at the level of the Council and the European Parliament, similar to the Schengen Information System, Visa Information System and other large-scale IT databases.

Additionally, the Opinion provides for a number of suggestions on the provisions regulating the data protection aspects of IMI. These recommendations relate to transparency and proportionality, joint control and allocation of responsibilities, notice to data subjects, rights of access, objection, and rectification, data retention, security measures and joint supervision.

Langues disponibles: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, allemand, Estonian, Greek, anglais, Spanish, français, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish
Décision de la Commission, publiée dans le JO L 13, 16.01.2008, p. 18
Langues disponibles: anglais, français

Bonne application des réglementations douanière et agricole

Avis sur la proposition de règlement modifiant le règlement (CE) no 515/97 relatif à l'assistance mutuelle entre les autorités administratives des États membres et à la collaboration entre celles-ci et la Commission en vue d'assurer la bonne application des réglementations douanière et agricole (COM(2006) 866 final), JO C 94, 28.04.2007, p. 3

This Proposal foresees the creation or updating of various systems containing personal data, the European Data Directory, Custom Information System (CIS) and Customs Files Identification Database (FIDE), in order to strengthen the cooperation between Member States and the Commission to avoid breaches to customs and agricultural legislation. In this Opinion, the EDPS suggests various amendments to the Proposal in order to ensure the Proposal's overall compatibility with the existing legal framework on data protection and the effective protection of individuals' personal data. Among others, the Opinion calls upon the Commission to carry out a proper assessment of the necessity of the European Data Directory, proposes some amendments to recognize the EDPS supervisory role regarding CIS and FIDE and puts forwards a coordinated approach to its supervision (including national authorities and the EDPS).

COM(2006) 866 final du 22.12.2006
Langues disponibles: anglais, français

Instructions consulaires communes

Avis concernant la proposition de règlement modifiant les instructions consulaires communes adressées aux représentations diplomatiques et consulaires de carrière, en liaison avec l'introduction d'éléments d'identification biométriques et de dispositions relatives à l'organisation de la réception et du traitement des demandes de visa (COM (2006) 269 final), JO C 321, 29.12.2006, p. 38

The proposal amends the Common consular instructions in view of the implementation of the Visa Information System (VIS). The main points of the opinion concern biometric identifiers and cooperation between consular posts in the visa procedure.
Regarding biometric identifiers, the EDPS underlines that it is a political decision rather than a purely technical one to determine from which age fingerprints shall be collected. This should not be based entirely on arguments of feasibility. Especially the mandatory fingerprinting of all children aged 6+ raises also ethical questions. The EDPS moreover recalls that all biometric identification systems are inherently imperfect and that the system therefore must provide for adequate fallback solutions.

Regarding the cooperation between consular posts and embassies of the Member States, the EDPS emphasises the need to guarantee data security, which can prove difficult in some third countries. When the processing of visa applications (including collection of biometric identifiers) is outsourced to a private company, the EDPS stresses the need for it to be located in a place under diplomatic protection.

Langues disponibles: Czech, Danish, allemand, Estonian, Greek, anglais, Spanish, français, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish