
Avis du CEPD



Nos avis portent principalement sur des propositions législatives et sont adressés au législateur de l'UE (le Parlement européen, le Conseil et la Commission européenne), dans le but de signaler les principales préoccupations en matière de protection des données ainsi que nos recommandations. 

Ces avis sont rendus en réponse aux demandes de la Commission, qui est légalement tenue de demander notre avis sur toute proposition législative ou projet d'actes d'exécution ou délégués, ainsi que sur les recommandations et propositions au Conseil dans le cadre d'accords internationaux conformément à l'article 42(1) du règlement (UE) 2018/1725 lorsqu'il y a un impact sur la protection des données personnelles. 

Nous émettons également des avis d'initiative dans le cadre de notre rôle de conseil sur toutes les questions relatives au traitement de données personnelles. 




Mise en application de la directive sur la protection des données

Avis sur la communication de la Commission relative au suivi du programme de travail pour une meilleure mise en application de la directive sur la protection des données, JO C 255, 27.10.2007, p. 1

Langues disponibles: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, allemand, Estonian, Greek, anglais, Spanish, français, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish
Communication de la Commission, COM(2007) 87 final du 07.03.2007
Langues disponibles: anglais, français

Protection des données dans le troisième pilier

Troisième avis sur la proposition de décision-cadre du Conseil relative à la protection des données à caractère personnel traitées dans lecadre de la coopération policière et judiciaire en matière pénale, JO C 139, 23.06.2007, p. 1

On 20 April the German Presidency consulted the European Parliament on a revised proposal for a Framework Decision on data protection in the third pillar. The EDPS considered that the substantive changes contained in the revised proposal, as well as its importance, called for a new opinion, issued on 27 April.

In this third opinion, the EDPS, while welcoming the efforts of the German presidency to give new impetus to the negotiations in the Council, takes a critical position on the revised proposal. Indeed, according to the EDPS, it falls short of providing the appropriate high level of protection of personal data required by EU law, in certain aspects does not respect the international obligations of the Member States stemming from Council of Europe Convention 108, and has an impact on efficiency in police and judicial cooperation. Therefore, the EDPS recommends a series of improvements, in particular with regard to the applicability of the proposal to national processing of data, the necessary distinctions in the accuracy of the data as well as in the different categories of the data subjects involved, and the conditions for exchanges of data with third countries and non law enforcement authorities.

Langues disponibles: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, allemand, Estonian, Greek, anglais, Spanish, français, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish

Financement de la politique agricole commune

Avis sur la proposition de règlement du Conseil protant sur la modification du règlement (EC) No 1290/2005 relatif au financement de la politique agricole commune (COM(2007) 122 final), JO C 134, 16.06.2007, p. 1

The aim of the proposal is to fulfil the requirement on the publication of information on beneficiaries of Community funds, as inserted into the Financial Regulation by Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 of 13 December 2006. To that end, Member States should ensure annual ex-post publication of the beneficiaries and the amount received per beneficiary under European Funds, which form part of the budget of the European Communities.

In the opinion, the EDPS supports the inclusion of the transparency principle and underlines that a proactive approach to the rights of the data subjectsshould be respected. Moreover, the EDPS suggests introducing a specific provision, which would help to comply with Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001, as regards the need to inform data subjects about the processing of their personal data by auditing and investigating institutions and bodies.

Langues disponibles: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, allemand, Estonian, Greek, anglais, Spanish, français, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish
COM(2007) 122 final du 20.03.2007
Langues disponibles: anglais, français

Coopération transfrontière (Traité de Prüm)

Avis sur l'initiative de 15 Etats membres en vue de l'adoption de la décision du Conseil relative à l'approfondissement de la coopération transfrontière, notamment en vue de lutter contre le terrorisme et la criminalité transfrontière, JO C 169, 21.07.2007, p. 2

The EDPS presented his opinion on the initiative of 15 Member States to make the Treaty of Prüm applicable throughout the EU. The initiative aims to step up cross-border cooperation, particularly for combating terrorism and cross-border crime. The initiative deals with the exchange of biometric data (DNA and fingerprints) and requires member states to set up DNA databases.

Although data protection plays an important role in this Treaty, the provisions on data protection in this initiative are meant as specific ones, on top of a general framework for data protection, which has still not been adopted. Such a framework is needed to give the citizen enough protection, since this decision will make it much easier to exchange DNA and fingerprint data.

Since the Prüm Treaty has already entered into force in three member states, the 15 Member States that took the initiative intend to limit substantial modifications.. Therefore, the EDPS' suggestions mainly serve to improve the text without modifying the system of information exchange itself.

Initiative pubiée dans le JO C 71, 28.03.2007, p. 35
Langues disponibles: anglais, français

Coordination des systèmes de sécurité sociale

Avis concernant la proposition de règlement fixant les modalités d'application du règlement (CE) no 883/2004 portant sur la coordination des systèmes de sécurité sociale(COM(2006) 16 final), JO C 91, 26.04.2007, p. 15

The proposal covers a vast range of areas in social security (pensions, benefits in respect of maternity, invalidity, unemployment, etc). It aims at modernising and simplifying the existing rules by strengthening cooperation and improving methods of data exchange between social security institutions of the different Member States.


The EDPS welcomed the proposal to the extent that it aims at favouring the free movement of citizens and improving the standard of living and conditions of employment of those moving within the Union. With a view to ensuring a high level of data protection, the EDPS recommends: paying utmost attention to basic data protection principles such as purpose limitation as well as proportionality in data processed, bodies authorised to process data and retention periods; ensuring that each proposed mechanism of processing and transmission of personal data is clearly based on specific legal grounds; providing the concerned persons with relevant information on the processing of their personal data.

Langues disponibles: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, allemand, Estonian, Greek, anglais, Spanish, français, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Finnish, Swedish
COM(2006) 16 final du 31.01.2006
Langues disponibles: anglais, français